I some time do not feel as though I have accomplished much over the 53 years of my life. I have never been able to hold on to jobs for too long and before that, I only went as far as part of grade 10 and part of grade 11 in high school.
School and work have always been so much of a challenge for me. I got stressed easily and frustrated. Most often in my life I have had great difficulty learning even the simplest things in life.
What I would had over the years given to be able to wake up in the morning and have a career (job) to go to each day and make a name for myself.
Therapists and people I have met over the years, tell me that just being here and making it through one day to the next is a huge accomplishment in itself.
For over 20 years now, I have wanted the satisfaction of getting my grade 12 diploma. I have just never had the confidence that I could do any of the required credits courses to work towards this diploma. For the past month nearly now, I have been a part of a 'supported education' program at Ontario Shores Center for Mental Health Sciences. I have been working on some lessons and for the most part, I have been doing quite well on the lessons, with the exception of the lesson I am working on now is so challenging for me. This lesson that I am working on now through the OSSEP program is based on history and history is a subject that has never interested me. So I am therefore struggling through this one lesson, trying to wrap my head around it. It is probably going to take a few days just to complete it. I will NOT give up though, I have been a quitter too often in my life and I am not going to be this time around.
Patience and perseverance is the key now to succeeding and completing this one goal!