Monday, March 24, 2014

Celebrate World Bipolar Day on March 30th  if you go to the link provided there is information on how you can participate in raising awareness of Bipolar Disorder on March 30th :)


Sunday, March 23, 2014

No Make-Up Selfie to raise awareness of cancer

For the past two (2) days there has been a campaign to raise awareness for cancer and just in Canada over $2 Million dollar has been raised.

Women are posting 'selfie no make-up' pictures and posting it up on social networks, YouTube and sharing with friends.

Here is my selfie picture taken with my webcam this afternoon. 

I would like to encourage all women to take a selfie picture of themselves with no make-up and to post it to your social networks that you are connected to or even send in an e-mail to private/public mailing lists you are a member of.

Show some support for cancer awareness!

Accomplishments later in life

I some time do not feel as though I have accomplished much over the 53 years of my life. I have never been able to hold on to jobs for too long and before that, I only went as far as part of grade 10 and part of grade 11 in high school.

School and work have always been so much of a challenge for me. I got stressed easily and frustrated. Most often in my life I have had great difficulty learning even the simplest things in life.

What I would had over the years given to be able to wake up in the morning and have a career (job) to go to each day and make a name for myself.

Therapists and people I have met over the years, tell me that just being here and making it through one day to the next is a huge accomplishment in itself.

For over 20 years now, I have wanted the satisfaction of getting my grade 12 diploma. I have just never had the confidence that I could do any of the required credits courses to work towards this diploma. For the past month nearly now, I have been a part of a 'supported education' program at Ontario Shores Center for Mental Health Sciences.  I have been working on some lessons and for the most part, I have been doing quite well on the lessons, with the exception of the lesson I am working on now is so challenging for me. This lesson that I am working on now through the OSSEP program is based on history and history is a subject that has never interested me. So I am therefore struggling through this one lesson, trying to wrap my head around it. It is probably going to take a few days just to complete it.  I will NOT give up though, I have been a quitter too often in my life and I am not going to be this time around.

Patience and perseverance is the key now to succeeding and completing this one goal!

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Every single season of 'Fall' and right through to about mid 'Spring',  I always feel as though the energy is being sapped right out of me. I also in many ways feel physically ill, almost as though I have a flu and more aches and pains of the joints and muscles than I do during other seasons of the year.

The daylight during the above mentioned seasons of 'Fall' and mid 'Spring' do not have the same positive effect on me as it does throughout most of the Summer months.

If only we could have Summer all year round. I am seriously considering on getting a SAD lamp for this coming late 'Fall' and 'Winter'.

You ask me how or if I cope with SAD. Well honestly, I feel like sleeping most of the time or I go into extreme lows where I am feeling very depressed and angry most of the time.

For those reading and/or following my blog and would like to learn more about SAD, here is a link:-

Please feel free to share with me and other readers of my blog how you cope with SAD?